RichMarker for Google Maps v3

A RichMarker that allows any HTML/DOM to be added to a map and be draggable.

For a example of how to use this library, check out the example.

class RichMarker

This class extends google.maps.OverlayView.


Constructor Description
RichMarker(opt_options:Object.<string|*>) A RichMarker that allows any HTML/DOM to be added to a map and be draggable.


Methods Return Value Description
anchor_changed() None Anchor changed event.
content_changed() None Sets the marker content and adds loading events to images.
drag(e:Event) None Handles the drag event.
draggable_changed() None Draggable property changed callback.
draw() None Impelementing the interface.
flat_changed() None Flat changed event.
getAnchor() google.maps.Size Gets the anchor.
getContent() string|Node Get the content of the marker.
getDraggable() boolean Whether the marker is draggable or not.
getFlat() boolean If the makrer is flat or not.
getPosition() google.maps.LatLng Gets the postiton of the marker.
getHeight() Number Gets the height of the marker.
getShadow() string Gets the marker's box shadow.
getVisible() boolean Returns the current visibility state of the marker.
getWidth() Number Gets the width of the marker.
getZIndex() Number Gets the zIndex of the marker.
onAdd() None Adding the marker to a map. Implementing the interface.
onRemove() None Removing a marker from the map. Implementing the interface..
position_changed() None Position changed event.
setAnchor(anchor:RichMarkerPosition|google.maps.Size) None Position changed event.
setContent(content:string|Node) None Sets the content of the marker.
setDraggable(draggable:boolean) None Sets the marker to be draggable or not.
setFlat(flat:boolean) None Sets the marker to be flat.
setPosition(position:google.maps.LatLng) None Sets the position of the marker.
setShadow(shadow:string) None Sets the marker's box shadow.
setVisible(visible:boolean) None Sets the visiblility state of the marker.
setZIndex(index:Number) None Sets the zIndex of the marker.
startDrag(e:Event) None Start dragging.
stopDrag() None Stop dragging.
visible_changed() None The visible changed event.
zIndex_changed() None zIndex changed event.


Events Arguments Description
anchor_changed None This event is fired when the anchor property changes.
click Event This event is fired when the marker was clicked.
content_changed None This event is fired when the content property changes.
draggable_changed None This event is fired when the draggable property changes.
flat_changed None This event is fired when the flat property changes.
height_changed None This event is fired when the height property changes.
position_changed None This event is fired when the position property changes.
ready None This event is fired when the marker is ready to interact with.
visible_changed None This event is fired when the visible property changes.
width_changed None This event is fired when the width property changes.
zIndex_changed None This event is fired when the zIndex property changes.